Sliding Glass Doors and Their Security
Sliding glass doors are a popular option for homeowners to have for their homes, especially for doors leading out to one’s backyard or patio. These types of doors come in many varieties in terms of materials, design, the lock mechanism, handles, and other features. Depending on your budget and home needs, you will be able to find the perfect sliding glass door for your home. If you are considering sliding glass doors, however, there are several important things you will want to consider. Safety and security can be enhanced in several ways when it comes to sliding glass doors and you will want to take every precaution possible in order to maximize your security.
How to Enhance Sliding Glass Door Security
If you have just installed sliding glass doors in your home or are considering installing some, there are a few important things you can do to make sure your home remains secure. These extra steps are necessary, as a basic lock on your sliding glass door may not be enough to stop break-ins. Be sure to contact a local locksmith in order to receive personalized recommendations based on your home, budget, and specific needs. Below are just a few ideas you might find helpful. A locksmith will be able to inspect your sliding glass door and offer more specific ideas and brand options if you are serious about increasing your sliding glass door security.
Invest in a Strong Latch
A basic latch with a simple lock on your sliding glass door might not actually be very strong. For older homes, the latch might not be working effectively anymore or might also be prone to slipping. Simpler locks might be better for sliding glass doors on the second or third stories of a home, such as on a balcony for example. For a first floor sliding glass door, you are going to want to make sure to invest in the strongest possible latch lock you can afford for the door. Be sure to have a locksmith replace your latch lock on your sliding glass door if you intend to upgrade. A new lock will only be effective against intruders if it is installed properly. Save yourself time and hassle by having a professional inspect your sliding glass door and install a new lock latch for you.
Add Window Film
Security window film is usually installed by a professional. Window film offers fantastic security against break-ins. They are not only great deterrent against thieves, but also offer other benefits that help protect your home. The way it works is actually quite simple. Window films are made of an incredible strong, nearly unbreakable material. If your window were to be struck with a baseball bat or some other object in order to break the glass, the security window film would help stop the intruder from breaking in. The window film essentially holds the glass in place if it shatters, preventing shards from getting all over the place but ultimately preventing unwarranted access.
Also, if you install window films on your sliding glass doors, the great news is that the material is clear just like the glass, so your view will not be obstructed. Certain brands of window film also come with additional perks, such as UV protection and the ability to block harmful rays from the sun. Window films should definitely be installed by a professional. It is critical that they are installed and fitted properly so they work as they are supposed to in the event of a break-in or other obstruction to the window.
Install Alarm Sensors
Alarm sensors can be a great option to install by your sliding glass doors to increase your home security. There are a couple of different sensors and alarm options you might want to decide from, depending on your preferences. For example, some alarms are strictly to detect if the door is opened when it is not supposed to be. Others are more sophisticated and will detect any breaks or tampering with the glass door itself in order to alert you at the very first sign of a break-in.
Place a Rod in the Tracks
This is one of the most common and most well-known tricks used by homeowners to help secure their sliding glass doors. If you need to buy a rod to place in the tracks, it is a budget friendly fix that can make a huge impact. Wooden dowels are most often used, but more sophisticated security bars can be purchased and placed in either the bottom or top of the sliding glass door. Depending on your budget and needs, any option will be effective.
Keep Valuables Out of Sight
This may not be an idea you think of right away in order to increase your sliding glass door security, but it is an important step that can help. Try to keep valuables and expensive items out of view of your sliding glass door as much as possible. This will ultimately help deter thieves and burglars from trying to enter your home through your sliding glass door.